Plants and animals - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet-01

CLASS - IV EVS – Plants

Fill in the Blanks:
1. The plants of several feet height with woody stems are called _________.
2. The medium sized plants with a hard, branched and bushy stems are called ________.
3. The small plants with a soft stems are called ________.
4. The weak stemmed plants grows with the help of support are called ________.
5. The plants which live for one year are called __________.
6.  The plants which live for two years are called __________.
7. The plants which live for many years are called __________.
8. The ________ system of the plant grows above the ground.
9. The ________ system of the plant grows below the ground.
10. The plants have __________ which grows into new plants.
11. The _________ fixes the plant firmly in the soil.
12. The weak stemmed plants that grow on the ground are called ________.
13. Name the Following:
i. Any two trees.
a) _________ b) _________
ii. Any two shrubs.
a) _________ b) _________
iii. Any two herbs.
a) _________ b) _________
iv. Any two climbers.
a) _________ b) _________
v. Any two creepers.
a) _________ b) _________

CBSE Worksheet-01
CLASS - IV EVS – Plants

1. Trees

2. Shrubs

3. Herbs.

4. Climbers

5. Annuals.

6. Biennials

7. Perennials.

8. Shoot system

9. Root system

10. Seeds

11. Root

12. Creepers

13. Name the Following:

i. a)Coconut b) Mango

ii. a)Shoe-flower b) Gulesharfi

iii. a) Balsam b) Mint

iv. a) Grape-vine b) Money plant

v. a) Bougainvillea b) Pumpkin