Land and People - Worksheets
CBSE Worksheet-01
CLASS - V EVS – Land and People of the World
A. Identify the Continents.
B. Name the Following
1. The sea located in the North of South America.
2. A flat land with higher elevation than a plain.
3. A stream of water that flows into an ocean, lake or another stream.
4. A line that defines the border of a country or state.
5. A low piece of land between two hills or mountain ranges.
6. A part of sea that cuts into mass of land.
CBSE Worksheet-01
CLASS - V EVS – Land and People of the World
A. 1. Africa
2. Australia
3. South America
4. North America
5. Asia
B. 1. The Caribbean Sea
2. Plateau
3. River
4. Political boundaries
5. Valley
6. Gulf