Indian Government - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet-01

CLASS - V EVS – Indian Government

A. Answer the following:

1. Who elects the vice president?

2. What are the qualifications required to become the vice president of India?

3. What is the vice president term of office?

4. What is his position in Rajya Sabha?

5. Can vice president acts as the president of India?

6. Who is the Prime Minister of India now?

B. Match the Following:

Column 1

Column 2

(1) President

(a) Reserve force of the ruling party

(2) Prime Minister

(b) Senior Ministers

(3) Cabinet

(c) Collective responsibility

(4) Council of Ministers

(d) Highest office in the country

(5) Minister of State

(e) Leader of the majority party

CBSE Worksheet-01
CLASS - V EVS – Indian Government

1. The members of both the Houses of the Parliament i.e., Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha elect the vice president.

2. a) He must be a citizen of India.

b) He should have completed 35 years of age.

c) He should be qualified to be a member of the Rajya Sabha.

3. His term of office is for 5 years.

4. He is the chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

5. Yes.

6. Shri Narendra Modi

B. Match the Following:

Column 1

Column 2

(1) President

(a) Highest office in the country

(2) Prime Minister

(b) Leader of the majority party

(3) Cabinet

(c) Senior Ministers

(4) Council of Ministers

(d) Collective responsibility

(5) Minister of State

(e) Reserve force of the ruling party