Globe and Maps - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet-01

CLASS - V EVS – The Globe and Maps

A. Name the Following

1. The art of making maps.
2. The large land masses.
3. The large water bodies.
4. A book containing collection of maps.
5. The ocean which is also called Southern Ocean.

B. Fill in the Blanks

1. Mountains, plains, rivers and water bodies can be shown on _______ map.
2. A ______represent the earth on a flat surface.
3. A _______ is a model of the earth.
4. _______ was the first to publish a collection of maps in the form of book.
5. There are ________ continents and _____ oceans.

C. Define the following

1. Longitudinal lines
2. Grid
3. Meridian
4. Parallel
5. Altitude

CBSE Worksheet-01
CLASS - V EVS – The Globe and Maps


A. Name the Following

1. Cartography
2. Continents
3. Oceans
4. Atlas
5. Antarctic ocean

B. Fill in the Blanks

1. Physical
2. Map
3. Globe
4. Gerardus Mercator
5. Seven, five

C. Define the following

1. The lines which are drawn from North to South are called longitudinal lines.
2. The networks of parallels and meridians are called grid
3. The lines of longitude is called meridian
4. An imaginary line on the surface of the earth lying in an east-west direction that is parallel to the equator.
5. The height of an object or a point seen with respect to a reference level such as above sea level or above earth’s surface.