Electrical Motor Connection




How to Change Rotation of Motor in Clockwise Direction

NoPresent Motor Connection:Change Direction in Clockwise
1R Phase Connected toU1W2R Phase Connected toU1V2
Y Phase Connected toV1U2Y Phase Connected toV1W2
B Phase Connected toW1V2B Phase Connected toW1U2
2R Phase Connected toW1V2R Phase Connected toW1U2
Y Phase Connected toU1W2Y Phase Connected toU1V2
B Phase Connected toV1U2B Phase Connected toV1W2
3R Phase Connected toV1U2R Phase Connected toV1W2
Y Phase Connected toW1V2Y Phase Connected toW1U2
B Phase Connected toU1W2B Phase Connected toU1V2

Change Rotation in Anticlockwise Direction

NoPresent Motor Connection:Change Direction in Anticlockwise
1R Phase Connected toU1V2R Phase Connected toU1W2
Y Phase Connected toW1U2Y Phase Connected toW1V2
B Phase Connected toV1W2B Phase Connected toV1U2
2R Phase Connected toW1U2R Phase Connected toW1V2
Y Phase Connected toV1W2Y Phase Connected toV1U2
B Phase Connected toU1V2B Phase Connected toU1W2
3R Phase Connected toV1W2R Phase Connected toV1U2
Y Phase Connected toU1V2Y Phase Connected toU1W2
B Phase Connected toW1U2B Phase Connected toW1V2

Thumb Rule :

Check Phase Winding Starting Phase and Connected ending Connection of That Phase winding to the one Phase after the Phase where Phase winding Starting lead is connected. (Ex If U1 is connected to R Phase than Connect U2 to B Phase, If V1 is connected to Y Phase than V2 should be connected to R Phase)